Staging Area
The staging area is located between the parking lot and the playing fields. This is the area where registers at the start of the day. It is also the location that everyone relaxes between games and tell stories of the player they had, but the paintball didn't break. There are tables set up to clean and maintain your personal markers and to eat at. BARREL PLUGS or BAGS ARE REQUIRED AT ALL TIMES IN THIS AREA!!! Because all of the barrels are plugged or bagged it is not required to wear face masks in this area.
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This is one of the main tented areas. A closer look at the registration area. Notice how everyone is at the left counter? That is because the right counter is for gear.
You'll hear this more than once. MAKE SURE YOUR BARREL IS PLUGGED OR BAGGED. The staging area is to be safe, this means NO SHOOTING or dry firing of markers. If you need to test your marker hit the crono area.
This is where everyone must check there marker on the crono. If you feel the need to fire your marker outside of a game, do it here! The crono area, MASKS MUST BE WORN HERE!
This is the crono that is used to check the FPS your marker is shooting at. Just turn on, place your barrel on the rubber, aim at a target, and shoot. It will beep if your marker is to fast. The TARGETS in the crono area. Please use them so the curtains don't get destroyed as fast.
Behind the registration counter you can see all the good stuff for sale.  

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